Shehbaj Dhillon

Shehbaj Dhillon

Depth - The Future of Understanding and Building Products

Depth - The Future of Understanding and Building Products

Product iteration cycles at mature teams look something like this: gather analytics data, review user sessions, collect user feedback, and take action based on this data. This action can be an improvement to an existing part of the product, an idea for a new feature, a call-to-action banner, or an A/B test.

Teams will either use separate tools for these tasks or a platform that combines everything. Whichever way works best, a few things are still common:

  • Making sense of analytics data, user sessions, and feedback is time-consuming and mentally exhausting. It’s hard to catch every small, important detail.
  • Analytics data, user sessions, and feedback are often related but isolated from each other. Teams have to connect all the data themselves.

The ideal product analytics platform must make it easy to understand and correlate every important data point and provide teams with a list of actionable insights in a simple UI.


Existing platforms, in a race to add every possible feature to their platform, have become cluttered and confusing to use properly. It’s so bad that some even offer certification courses.

New-age product analytics platforms must depart from this nonsense.

When I was an engineer at, I used many of these tools to keep track of product changes and learn all the critical things quickly. However, I had to deal with their bloated multi-dashboard views with seven different dropdown menus for complicated settings that didn’t make sense. Think about it: the ideal product analytics platform should only have you log in for 15 minutes every week and tell you all the important things you need to know, not 15 hours.

We’re building Depth to be the new-age product analytics platform. Depth looks at all the important data points and gives you all the information you need to know in a simple feed. That’s it.


If you’re tired of your current product analytics workflow or believe that we have got it completely wrong, let’s chat. Here's my calendar link.
